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Older Blog Posts

Love Wins because really who tells you who to love.

A funny story that’ll be on the topic of my blog post today. So back in high school one of my so called best friends actually had the nerve to try and tell people I was gay even though I never said to her that I was. Just because I didn’t date in high school. I always wondered why people asked me that back then until I talked to her after we graduated and she said “Oh I thought you were gay,” I laughed and that was the end of us having any type of friendship. I never really understood why I was her friend now that I think about it she also use to make fun on my family not having money. God I had such low self-esteem back then….anyway

This past weekend The Supreme Court has ruled that same sex marriage is now legal across the United States. This is not breaking news anymore nevertheless I still wanted to give my opinion on the subject. I’m sure that it will continue to make national news because people are small minded and don’t want to grow and change with the current times.

Yes in the past it was unheard of for people who were part of the L.G.B.T.Q.I.A community to be so open about their sexuality. Though there has been a lot of progress there are still many who feel uncomfortable and still get ostracized when they do. There will always need to be more progress on any topic when it comes to sexuality and race in the United States. No they are not the same thing but both are equally important issues.

I will admit that when I was younger I had an issue with homosexuals. Something my so called best friend would have known if she was really my best friend. More on the side that I didn’t know anything about it so I always thought that it was weird. My first job I worked with a guy who was a drag queen and I absolutely fell in love with him. I thought that he was the coolest person I had ever met. Later I was roommates with a girl that I didn’t find out until we were moving away from each other that she was a lesbian. I kind of thought but never ask until we were like real best friends. I didn’t care then because I had already grown to love her as a sister. When she finally told me I was happy that she was comfortable enough with me to tell me. It was the first time I considered someone an actually best friend. Because she shared something that was really personal. Both of these people helped to shape my view on the community. Later in life I met even more people that made me feel like a part of their family and I’ll forever love them for embracing me even though I was a “breeder” with open arms. I would help them out with anything if they needed it.

Now I know that many people are not comfortable with this ruling and think that it’s the end times. But why to people love to argue that it’s wrong. Interracial marriage was just allowed to be legal in 1967. To go off of that Jim Crow laws were just abolished in 1964, slavery in 1865. Furthermore, if people are so upset about that do they also forget that when African Americans were slaves their marriages weren’t even acknowledged by law. All of these things I mentioned are so backward thinking. So why are so many up in arms on the definition of marriage being updated as well.

Religion is a big part of the backlash against the ruling which is fine everybody has their own religious views. But don’t get upset when people look at you funny that you’re worried about something that has nothing to do with you. If in your religion it’s considered unholy then YOU yourself shouldn’t be doing it. I’m sure that there are plenty of other religions that don’t consider sexuality to be something that casts you into damnation.

The other thing I don’t understand is God says to love your neighbor and to accept everyone. He doesn’t go into specifics of what this neighbor should act like he says to just love them. If they’re a good person that you would consider a friend why do you think they shouldn’t also enjoy the happiness of being married to someone that they genuinely love.

When you heard about the ruling what was your reaction? How to you feel about the sexuality in general?

- Ashley

Ashtastic journey a lifestyle entertainment blog

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