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Words are Powerful

I recently posted this quote on my Instagram and it really got me thinking about the standards that I hold people to. Rather they know it or not and how it can affect our relationship. I try to keep my judgement toward people low because I wouldn’t really want someone to do that to me. But after you get to know people and you realize how great they are and the potential that they possess it makes you automatically start making standards that you think they should hold themselves at because of how you see them.

While I see this as a positive because you could be the person to help them find these traits that they never thought they had, and maybe in turn help them to grow to become something amazing. It can also be detrimental because what you want for someone and the potential that you see for growth is not at all what they want out of their life.

So the quote goes that’s where the disconnection starts when your advice starts to hold this person to what you believe is your standard it can change the nature of your relationship sometimes for good but for the most part I think it would be negative because when you see and hear them tell you things that you don’t agree with it changes how you see them and it might not be as positively as it was before you formed these said standards they never even asked for. It could easily cause resentment. A friendship should never have that unless it’s by some unforgivable action. Not because of what you thought that person should have been doing.

This quote helps you to remember that people are human and they aren’t all the same and we all have different goals in life. You can’t press your beliefs on someone who didn’t want them in the first place. If someone is you’re friend you love and care for them because of who they are. Yes give them advice when you think something is going to be dangerous or life threatening. But it’s their life they are going to choose what they want to do. You just have to love them, listen to them and help them when and sometimes when they don’t really want it. But don’t try to form them into what you think they should be.

After finding this quote I try to think about this when I feel like I’m being to judgmental. It’s helping me to actually think about things before I speak and think more about how that person might be feeling. Not how I think they should particularly be acting. Most of us all have parents we don’t need our friends to be one all the time either.

Do you feel like this sometimes or am I just being weird again?

Ashtastic journey a lifestyle entertainment blog

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